
Maya James in a black shirt standing in front of a building

Maya James | Israel 

Degrees: Pursuing a B.A. in Government and Political Science and a minor in Religion, Ethics, and World Affairs (COL ’20)

Zachary Gallin | Jordan

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S.F.S. in Science, Technology, and International Affairs (SFS ’20)

Michael Mullaney standing in front of red signs and hanging plants

Michael Mullaney | Taiwan 

Degrees: Pursuing a B.A. in Government, minors in Spanish and Chinese (COL ’20)

Maria Strunjas | Bosnia and Herzegovina

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S.F.S. in Culture and Politics with a focus on Indentity Politics and the Economy (SFS ’20) 

Garrett Hinck in a suit leaning against a mahogany table

Garrett Hinck | James C. Gaither Junior Fellow

Bio: Garrett Hinck has conducted research on human rights norms and regulation of cyber-surveillance software tools for his senior thesis. Ultimately, Garrett aspires to become a lawyer in the federal government working on international affairs and technology policy. Currently, he is spending a year at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where he is a research assistant working on cyber and nuclear policy.

Degrees: B.S.F.S. in Science, Technology, and International Affairs, minor in French (SFS ’18)

Henry Appel | Urdu

Bio: Henry Appel’s research and professional expertise includes the Pakistan-U.S. relationship, Indo-Pakistani relations, nuclear nonproliferation, and counterterrorism. Prior to beginning at Georgetown, Henry worked in Federal consulting in the homeland security sphere.

Degrees:  M.S.F.S. candidate in the Security Studies Program (SFS), B.A. in Government from Claremont McKenna College (2015)

Hannah Byrne standing in front of a night skyline view of Bogota, Colombia

Hannah Byrne | Urdu

Bio: Hannah’s initial academic focus was the Taliban insurgency, and she worked at the Institute for the Study of War as a research analyst on the Afghanistan team. Later, she began to develop a strong interest in narcoterrorism. Following this passion, she traveled to Colombia summer 2017 with the help of a research grant to study the recent peace process between the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) and the Colombian government. After completing her studies at SSP, Hannah plans on using a critical language scholarship to learn Urdu in northern India, an essential asset to further her regional interest in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Degrees: M.S.F.S. in Security Studies (SFS ’18), B.A. in Political Science from Johns Hopkins University 

Christine McNeill, smiling, standing in front of a yellow-green wall

Christine McNeill | Turkish

Bio: Christine studied Turkish in Baku, Azerbaijan, where she immersed herself in the local culture and lived with a host family.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S.F.S. in U.S. – Middle East Comparative Studies (SFS ’20)

Niall Gillen | Russian

Bio: During the summer of 2018, Niall studied Russian in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, where he gained important immersion skills.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S.F.S in International Political Economy (SFS ’21)

Ashley Lane, wearing a grey sweater, smiling, standing in front of a green tree

Ashley Lane | Persian

Bio: On campus, Ashley works for the Center for Social Justice, is an Alternative Breaks Program trip leader, and is a mentor and serves on the board of Strive for College. During the summer of 2018, Ashley studied Persian in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S.F.S. in Sciene, Technology, and International Affairs, minor in Persian (SFS ’20)

Maxwell Scurlock | Persian

Bio: During Maxwell’s undergraduate studies, he completed multiple internships and worked with Syrian and Iraqi refugees. He has travelled extensively in Jordan and has studied Arabic in Tetouan, Morocco and at the American University of Beirut. At Georgetown, Maxwell focuses on Lebanese and Syrian politics. He has also studied Persian and is interested in Iranian relations with the Arab world.

Degrees: Pursuing an M.A. of Arab Studies (SFS ’19), B.A. in International Studies with minors in History, Middle East Studies, and Arabic from Ohio State University (2017)

Jason Bartlett, in a suit, standing in front of a wall with blue and grey lettering

Jason Bartlett | Korean

Bio: While at Georgetown, Jason intends to strengthen his professional network while applying his language training in Korean and Spanish. Having worked with both immigrant and refugee populations in the U.S. and abroad, his main goal is to enter the foreign service and aid North Korean refugees in their resettlement process in the United States and in South Korea.

Degrees: Pursuing an M.A. in Asian Studies (SFS ’19)

Kevin Yuan | Japanese

Bio: Kevin studied in Hikone, Japan during the summer of 2018, where he bosltered his Japanese language skills and cultural knowledge.

Degrees: B.A. in Economics and Japanese, minor in Mathematics (COL ’18)

John Pleasants, wearing a suit, standing in front of a wall with grey text written on it

John Pleasants | Indonesian

Bio: During the summer of 2018, John studied in Malang, Indonesia, where he improved his Indonesian language skills and gained invaluable knowledge pertaining to his graduate studies.

Degrees: Pursuing an M.A. in Asian Studies, with a concentration in Politics and Security (SFS ’19), M.A. in National Security Studies from Webster University, B.S. in Military Studies from the University of Memphis

Ashianna Jetha, wearing blue and black, standing in front of Healy Hall

Ashianna Jetha | Chinese

Bio: Ashianna spent the summer of 2018 studying Chinese langauge and culture through CLS.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.A. in Economics, minors in Computer Science and Chinese (COL ’20)

Sarah Mack, one hand resting against her forehead, with trees in the background

Sarah Mack | Chinese

Bio: Sarah did not accept the CLS, as she decided to accept a Fulbright Scholarship instead. Read more about Sarah in the Fulbright Section of this page.

Degrees: B.S.F.S in Regional and Comparative Studies with a concentration in International Security, Gender, and Human Rights in Northeast Asia, minor in Chinese (SFS ’18)

Jan, an individual with black hair, wearing a heather grey sweater over a light gray dress shirt, smiling and standing in front of a white background

Jan Menafee | Chinese

Bio: Jan did not accept the Critical Language Scholarship. Instead, Jan worked with the Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation through their internship program GU Impacts. Jan interned in Atlanta, Georgia with the Center for Civic Innovation, where he designed curriculum.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S.F.S. in Science, Technology, and International Affairs (SFS ’20)

Katherine Schmidt, wearing a black blazer, smiling and standing in front a grey wall

Katherine Schmidt | Azerbaijani

Bio: Katherine studied Azerbaijani, both langauge and culture, during the summer of 2018. Katherine’s time spent learning Azerbaijani helped her gain useful language learning skills and contributed to her academic and career goals.

Degrees: B.S.F.S. in Science, Technology, and International Affairs with a concentration in Security Studies (SFS ’18)

Ramon Pericas | Arabic

Bio: During the summer of 2018, Ramon studied Arabic language and culture, which helped him gain necessary knowledge pertaining to his studies.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S.F.S. in Regional and Comparative Studies (SFS ’19)

Ines Oulamine | Arabic

Bio: Ines spent her summer learning Arabic and immersing herself in Arab culture, which added a new level of depth to her studies at Georgetown.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S.F.S. in Regional and Comparative Studies (SFS ’20)

Camille Bismonte | Indonesian

Bio: Camille studied Indonesian language and culture with CLS during the summer of 2018.

 Degrees: Pursuing a B.A. in Economics (COL ’20)

Charquia Wright, Research Fellowship – Brazil
Rachel Mucha, Research Fellowship – Brazil
Margaret Morton, Research Fellowship – China
Sarah Mack, Research Fellowship – China
Matthew La Lime, Research Fellowship – Guinea
Megan Patel, Research Fellowship – India
Jonathan Thrall, Research Fellowship – Jordan
Ray Kim, Research Fellowship – South Korea
Charlotte Fitzek, Research Fellowship – South Korea
Zachary Frial, Research Fellowship – Philippines
Kristine Nugent, Research Fellowship – Ukraine
Thu Dao, Research Fellowship – Vietnam
Rune Ariella Knight, English Teaching Assistantship – Algeria
Piyusha Mittal, English Teaching Assistantship – Andorra
Camille Squires, English Teaching Assistantship – Argentina
Haley Florsheim, English Teaching Assistantship – Brazil
Katherine de Araujo, English Teaching Assistantship – Brazil 
Joseph Babin, English Teaching Assistantship – Brazil
Daniel Silbert, English Teaching Assistantship – Colombia
Katie Hyland, English Teaching Assistantship – India
Sofia Gomez, English Teaching Assistantship – Jordan
Samantha Blond, English Teaching Assistantship – Kazakhstan
Sarah Stellwag, English Teaching Assistantship – Malaysia
Laura Dickinson, English Teaching Assistantship – Malaysia
Brendan Keenan, English Teaching Assistantship – Serbia
Luke Brown, English Teaching Assistantship – South Africa   
Brooke Rottet, English Teaching Assistantship – Spain
Alec Pharris, English Teaching Assistantship – Spain
Serena Pu, English Teaching Assistantship – Taiwan
Elizabeth Malatesta, English Teaching Assistantship – Taiwan
Alec Kingston, Intern Fellowship – Mexico

Ayan Mandal, wearing a blue shirt, smiling, and standing in front of a white wall

Ayan Mandal (COL’18)  | University of Cambridge

Bio: At Cambridge, Ayan Mandal will be applying his growing expertise in network neuroscience analysis to uncover brain networks corresponding to states of cognition in patients with brain tumors. Ayan and others in his field hypothesize that when important pieces of cognitive networks are resected to remove the tumor, predictable surgically induced cognitive deficits will result. This work could inform neurosurgical planning before tumor resection in the future. Ultimately, Ayan hope to become a physician-scientist dedicated to translating key advances in research into the clinic.

Degrees: Pursuing a Ph.D. in Psychiatry from the University of Cambridge, B.S. in Neurobiology and Biological Physics (COL ’18)

Bailey Bradford, wearing a chambray shirt, smiling, and standing in front of a stone wall

Bailey Bradford | Copenhagen

Bio: Bailey is studying abroad in Copenhagen for the Spring 2018 semester, with a focus in urban studies, and living with a Danish host family. Bailey is  passionate about graphic design, photography, politics, and social justice, and is looking to pursue a career in public policy or urban planning. 

Degrees: Pursuing a B.A. in Sociology and Government (COL ’19)

Khalida Saalim | Ghana

Bio: Khalida takes a special interest in healthcare disparities, specifically in sexual and reproductive health. She hopes to work toward reducing the gap in quality and access to health services in the DMV for minority populations through her passion for health research. Khalida is a member of GU Medical Brigades and has traveled twice to Honduras to assist in medical rounds as well as act as a Spanish translator between patients and physicians. She is also an organizing member of One Tent Health, which provides free HIV screening to those residing in low-income areas of D.C. She has also worked with the Georgetown D.C. Schools Project, teaching English to immigrant youth. After graduation, she hopes to further her education by pursuing a PhD in public health. Her ultimate goal is to become a social health researcher and play an important role in developing healthcare policy.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S. in Global Health, minor in Sociology (NHS ’19)

Gabrial Brault | Ecuador

Degrees: SFS ’21

Johnsenia Brooks | France

Degrees: COL ’20

Ana Covo | China

Degrees: COL ’19

Sophia Griffith standing by the Tidal Basin, wearing glasses and a dress, with cherry blossoms in the background of the photo

Sophia Griffith | Copenhagen and Stockholm

Bio:  Sophia is a pre-med student who studied abroad with the help of the Gilman Scholarship. The DIS Summer Session worked perfectly with Sophia’s schedule, and on top of that, it allowed her the flexibility to experience both Copenhagen and Stockholm. Another factor she loved about DIS was how aligned the courses are with her specific interests; as an aspiring healthcare professional, Sophia is passionately interested in the health of women and LGBTQ+ individuals, so being able to take classes on sexuality and gender in Scandinavia, where the policies on those issues are more progressive, was a really unique opportunity for her.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S. in Biology, minor in English (COL ’19)

Stacie, wearing a yellow tank top, smiling, in front of the steps of Healy Hall

Stacie Hartman | Ecuador

Bio: At Georgetown, Stacie is involved in IRC and Model UN, as well as being a member of the Georgetown University Women in Leadership club, the marketing director of the Georgetown Review, a member of the school spirit club on campus, and the Secretary of Higher Education Advocacy for Georgetown Student Association’s Federal and DC Relations Committee.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S.F.S in International Politics, minor in Spanish (SFS ’21)

Ridwan Meah, wearing black glasses and an olive shirt, standing in front of hot air ballons

Ridwan Meah | Germany

Bio: Ridwan is the Account Mangament Chair for the Georgetown Marketing Association. Previously, Ridwan interned for the Uniteds States Trade Representative in the African Affairs Divison. He is interested in the intersection of business, technology, and international policy.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S.F.S in Science, Technology, and International Affairs with a concentration in Business, Growth, and Development (SFS ’20)

William Nguyen | South Korea

Degrees: SFS ’20

Munir Pavez 

Degrees: SFS ’20

Hiba Said 

Degrees: COL ’20

A headshot of May Teng, she is smiling

May Teng | China

Bio: In her spare time, May is an active member of the D.C. Schools Project, where she teaches English to immigrant children. She also serves as a storyteller for the Georgetown Stories project, a multimedia, first-person documentary series chronicling student life at Georgetown. At the Berkley Center, May is a student fellow in the 2017-2018 Doyle Undergraduate Fellows program.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.A. in Government and English (COL ’20)

Caleb Yip, wearing a black suit and light blue tie, standing in front of some stairs, smiling

Caleb Yip 

Bio: On campus, Caleb is involved with Georgetown’s Model UN team, is on the secretariat for NAIMUN, and writes for The Caravel

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S.F.S. in International Politics with a concentration in International Security, minor in French (SFS ’21)

Patrick, wearing a black suit with a blue patterned tie, standing in front of stonework

Patrick Mulcahey | Goldwater Receipent

Bio: Patrick began researching alongside Dr. Jong-in Hahm of the Department of Chemistry in his first semester; by his sophomore year, he started his own research project investigating the properties of zinc oxide nanomaterials.

As part of his work in the Hahm lab, Patrick assisted in biotechnology research that led to publications in ACS Nano and Nanoscale, and which could inform biomedical engineers and other medical professionals in the design of biocompatible devices and implants.

Patrick is fascinated by the nano-bio interface — where the engineered technologies we make in our laboratories meet the intricacies of living systems. He has conducted research into sea lamprey neural regeneration at Temple University’s Lewis Katz School of Medicine. This summer, he interned at the Singh Center for Nanotechnology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Patrick hopes to pursue a combination M.D./Ph.D. program after he graduates next year. He anticipates that his chosen specialty of nanomaterials in biotechnology will lead him to work in some of medicine’s most exciting and unexplored frontiers.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S. in Biochemistry (COL ’19)

Jane, wearing a red dress with a light blue sweater, smiling in front of an academic conference display

Jane Donnelly | Goldwater Honorable Mention

Bio: Jane has conducted research in Dr. Timothy Warren’s lab on the conversion of nitrite to nitric oxide in biologically important copper-center enzymes. Jane plans to pursue a combination M.D./Ph.D. program. She hopes to continue studying bioinorganic chemistry, particularly its application to neurodegenerative illness.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S. in Biochemistry, minor in French (COL ’19)

Matthew, wearing a red and green plaid shirt and black glasses, standing in a lab

Matthew Park | Goldwater Honorable Mention

Bio: Matthew is currently researching cancer immunology in Dr. Anton Wellstein’s laboratory at the Lombardi Comprehensive Care Center. He has also investigated applications of plant hormones to pancreatic cancer treatment alongside the Department of Human Science’s Dr. Ronit Yarden.

After graduation, Matthew will attend the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, where he received early admission in 2017. He hopes to develop a better understanding of the relationship between genetic abnormalities and cancer and to continue researching immunotherapeutic cancer treatments.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.S. in Biological Physics, minors in Biology and Science, Technology, and International Affairs (COL ’19)

Ben, wearing a lab coat and tie, smiling

Ben Johnson | University of Edinburgh and King’s College of London

Bio: Ben, 23, of Seattle, will take leave from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine to pursue two different master’s degrees – one in human cognitive neuropsychology from the University of Edinburgh and another in space physiology and health from King’s College of London.

Ben wants to pursue a career as an aerospace medicine physician. The space flight physiology and health program at King’s College combined with statistical neuropsychological research training from the University of Edinburgh would equip him to return to the U.S. to further his medical studies and make him qualified to engage with aerospace research centers.

While at Georgetown, Ben worked as an emergency medical technician and crew chief for the GERMS and directed campus-wide mental health advocacy as undersecretary of mental health for GUSA.

Degrees: B.S. in Human Science (NHS ’17)

Rebecca, wearing a blue sweater and red lipstick, smiling with her arms crossed, standing in front of a scenic area

Rebecca Kuang | University of Cambridge

Bio: Rebecca, 21, of Irving, Texas, will pursue a master’s of philosophy in Chinese studies at the University of Cambridge.

She hopes to meld her academic work with her writing pursuits, which includes a book of historical fiction about the atrocities that took place in China during World War II. HarperCollins published The Poppy War in spring 2018.

As a native of Guangzhou, China, Rebecca wants to transmit the complexities and lived experiences of China to people who otherwise might never have cared.

Degrees: B.S.F.S. in International History (SFS ’18)

Annee, wearing all black, smiling in Riggs Library

Annee Lyons | University of Oxford

Bio: Annee, 22, who grew up on a farm in Mount Airy, Maryland, will pursue a master’s of philosophy in Greek and Roman history at the University of Oxford.

She has delved into marginalized populations, including women, throughout her undergraduate research at Georgetown.

Annee is a member of the Georgetown Scholarship Program (GSP) and has served as a coordinator for Preparing to Excel Program, a pre-orientation program for low-income and first generation students at Georgetown.

Last fall, Annee is working with Bernard Cook, director of film and media studies, on his documentary about the descendants of the 272 enslaved men, women and children sold by the Maryland Province of Jesuits in 1838 to benefit Georgetown.

Degrees: B.A. in Classics (COL ’18)

Stephanie, wearing white and mint, smiling, standing in front of stonework

Stephanie Arzate | Johns Hopkins University’s Schools of Advanced International Studies

Bio: Stephanie plans to use the Pickering Fellowship to attend Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, where she was accepted into the International Development Program.

She currently works as the director of advocacy and strategic communications at Women LEAD Nepal, an organization devoted to women’s leadership and professional development based in Kathmandu, Nepal.

A first-generation college student, Stephanie was born in Chicago to immigrant parents.

Degrees: B.S.F.S. in Culture and Politics (SFS ’15)

Anastasia, wearing a red blouse and red lipstick, standing on a rooftop of a building with a cityscape in the background

Anastasia (Gabby) Burnett | Georgetown University

Bio: Anastasia, a child protective services investigator in Charlottesville, Virginia, plans to return to Georgetown in the fall to use her fellowship toward a Master of Science in Foreign Service with a focus on global politics and security.

The daughter of a disabled Gulf War veteran, Anastasia has worked with Stop Soldier Suicide and the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Degrees: B.A. in History (COL ’15)

A headshot of Anna

Anna Jozwik | The George Washington University

Bio: Anna received her Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown last spring. She plans to use her fellowship to obtain another master’s degree – this time in Middle East studies with a focus on U.S. foreign policy at The George Washington University.

Anna, who was born in Poland and grew up near Chicago, says she became interested in international affairs while studying political science and languages as an undergraduate at Northwestern University.

Before she began her graduate studies, she went back to Poland using a Fulbright Fellowship to study the country’s democratic transitions as an intern with the Polish Constitutional Tribunal.

Anna has studied in the United Arab Emirates as a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar and interned with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees in Syria. She later extended her time in Syria to work as a local magazine editor and English language teacher and translator before the outbreak of civil war.

She moved to Lebanon at the end of 2012 to work as a protection officer with the International Rescue Committee’s women’s protection and empowerment program.

Anna’s long-term career goal is to become an ambassador.

Degrees: M.S.F.S. ’17

Yassitoungou wearing a blue blouse and red lipstick, standing in front of a tree, smiling

Yassitoungou Tamdji | Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

Bio: Yassitoungou, a project manager for leadership and professional development at a nonprofit management consulting firm in New York, plans to use her Pickering Fellowship to attend Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

She studied abroad during her junior year at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, where she volunteered with a debate league for South African township youth.

Yassitoungou returned to South Africa after graduation through the Princeton in Africa Fellowship, which allowed her to work with a Johannesburg nonprofit that helps academically talented, low-income students gain access to high quality public and private high schools.

Yassitoungou hopes to recruit and encourage others from underrepresented backgrounds to join the Foreign Service.

Degrees: B.S.F.S. in International Politics and African Studies (SFS ’11)

Marta wearing black and while polka dot blouse and blue sweater

Marta Aparicio

Bio: Marta says she was inspired to pursue a career in the Foreign Service after a diplomat from the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala City granted her a visa to reunite with her parents after 11 years.

A first-generation student, Marta came to the United States 15 years ago from Guatemala without her parents and the visa allowed her to reunite with her family in the United States.

While at Georgetown, Marta assisted applicants as part of the financial aid peer counseling group, coached fellow students as a mentor in the Georgetown Scholarship Program and welcomed new students to campus as a coordinator for the Preparing to Excel Program.

After graduating, she taught English as a second language in Miami and mentored unaccompanied children and refugees for three years. She now works as an employment case manager for the Providence Housing Authority in Rhode Island.

Degrees: B.A. in Sociology and Government (COL ’14)

A headshot of Kala, wearing a white blouse and black blazer,

Kala Deterville

Bio: Kala says her interest in other cultures began when her family started hosting foreign exchange students.

While at Georgetown, she interned for Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-New York) (G’94) and worked in the Executive Office of the President of the United States during the Obama administration.

Kala hopes to use the Rangel Fellowship in Japan as a Foreign Service officer after graduate school.

She traveled abroad her junior year to study at Waseda University in Tokyo, thanks in part to the Boren and Gilman scholarships she received in 2015.

As Kala gains experience and rank, she hopes to be recognized for her commitment to U.S. national security and be appointed as the first female African American U.S. Ambassador to Japan.

Degrees: B.A. in Japanese and Government (COL ’18)

Sofia, wearing a grey blouse and black blazer, standing in front of Dahlgren Chapel

Sofia Gomez

Bio:  Sofia spent a month during the summer teaching English in China and another month managing media requests for the mayor’s office in St-Omer, France.

This past fall, she interned in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs in the Office of Press and Public Diplomacy at the State Department.

Sofia had always known she wanted to go into the Foreign Service, as early as high school. The U.S. government, along with the State Department, helped her dad, a political refugee from Cuba, restart his life here in the 1960s. On her mom’s side, her grandfather was a police officer, so public service was always on her mind.

She credits the Georgetown community for helping her learn how to make the most of opportunities in her desired field.

Sofia, who is pursuing a certificate in Arab Studies at Georgetown, hopes to work as a Foreign Service officer in the Middle East.

At the age of 17 Sofia went to Jordan for one month, and she has been interested in the region ever since. Every time she takes a class on some aspect of Middle Eastern culture or politics or history, she is reminded of how much more she can still learn.

Degrees: B.S.F.S. in International Politics (SFS ’18)

A headshot of Deidre, a woman with blond hair looking at the camera

Deirdre Collins | University of Oxford

Bio: Deirdre, a native of St. George’s, Bermuda, will use the scholarship to pursue a M.Phil in environmental change and management at the University of Oxford, beginning next fall.

Deirdre served as a research assistant in the Johnson Biosignatures Lab led by Sarah Stewart Johnson, a Rhodes scholar herself and assistant professor of planetary science with the biology department and the Science, Technology and International Affairs program.

Deirdre helped Johnson extract DNA in soil samples from regions of Western Australia thought to be similar to Mars. Such research may one day help solve the question of whether there was ever life on that planet.

She served in multiple editorial positions at the student newspaper, The Hoya, where she sought to develop and maintain effective writing skills.

Deidre held leadership positions at GlobeMed, a network of students partnering with grassroots organizations to carry out public health projects. She also volunteered with Georgetown’s After School Kids Program.

During the summer of 2016, Deidre was an intern with the Juneau Icefield Research Program operated by the Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research.

She conducted original research on alpine ecology as an intern and went on present her analysis on the topic to the American Geophysical Union – the world’s largest Earth and space science conference.

Her initial interest in environmental issues came from growing up in Bermuda, a 21-square-mile island that is particularly vulnerable to the effects of increased storm surge, sea level rise, and the rising ocean and air temperatures that accompany climate change.

Her field work experience helped drive home the immediacy of the climate change threat – the icefield she worked on, for example, is at risk of melting entirely within 150 years.

She currently serves as in investment analyst for the New York Green Bank, a $1 billion state-sponsored fund that invests in clean energy.

Degrees: B.S. in Biology, minor in French (COL ’17)

Zezhou, wearing a blue blouse, silver necklace, and black sweater, standing in front of a grey stone building

Zezhou Cai | Tsinghua University

Bio:  Zezhou, 23, of Nanjing, China, was selected from a pool of more than 4,000 applicants who will pursue a one-year master’s degree program at Tsinghua University in Beijing beginning in the 2019 fall semester.

Zezhou will live in Beijing for a year of cultural immersion and study to develop a better understanding of the country.

Zezhou is studying at Georgetown on a Fulbright Scholarship. She hopes to alleviate poverty and promote prosperity, particularly in her home country of China. She spent her childhood in the rural part of Jiangsu Province and considers herself lucky to have attended universities in big cities in China and the United States.

She says she watched many of her cousins who remained in the province end up dropping out of high school, despite their obvious intelligence. The experience prompted Zezhou to look further into the economic impact that development and policies had on rural areas similar to her hometown.

While studying for her bachelor’s degree at Tsinghua University, she initiated six fieldwork research projects on employment, village culture, community service provision and education across five Chinese provinces.

Zezhou says she came to Georgetown to refine her understanding of why some policies are effective and others are not. Last fall, she conducted research under the direction of Georgetown professor Sheila Foster, who holds joint appointments in the McCourt School and Georgetown Law.

Degrees: MPP ’18 from the McCourt School of Public Policy, Bachelor’s Degree from Tsinghua University

Amanda, standing on Copley Lawn, wearing black glasses, red lipstick, and a grey coat

Amanda Scott

Bio:  Amanda did not take a traditional path to the Hilltop.

Raised in a low-income household in Mobile, Ala. — mostly by her mother, who worked odd jobs to pay the bills — Amanda didn’t have a formal education past the fifth grade.

Amanda was home-schooled, really self-taught she says. Eventually earned her General Equivalency Degree, then enrolled at Coastal Alabama Community College in the two-year paralegal studies program. After graduating summa cum laude and setting her sights on four-year schools, she chose Georgetown for its Washington D.C. location, service-oriented mission, and — perhaps most importantly — the Georgetown Scholarship Program.

Amanda is a proud member of the Georgetown Scholarship Program. Some of the best friends she has made at Georgetown are GSPers.

With the support of GSP, Amanda dove headfirst into her coursework, focusing on classes on government and history. She specifically credits Prof. Michael Kazin’s U.S. history seminars and Prof. Barbara Feinman Todd’s introduction to journalism class as helping her develop academically.

Meanwhile, Amanda’s newfound proximity to public service opportunities — a major factor in her decision to apply — began to pay dividends. She interned at the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights, the office of D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, and the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice.

Having experienced poverty growing up, Amanda knew she wanted to attend an elite law school, go into public interest law, and advocate for poor and marginalized communities. When she discovered the Truman Scholarship information on Georgetown’s Office of Fellowships website, she knew it could help her achieve her goals.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.A. in Government (COL ’19)

Shakera, wearing a black scarf and rust colored shirt, standing in front of Dalghren Chapel

Shakera Vaughan

Bio: Shakera, a Richmond, Va. native, also chose Georgetown largely due to the resources the university commits to helping students from all backgrounds thrive, like GSP and the Center for Multicultural Equity and Access.

Like many first-year students, Shakera took some time to adjust to college life.

Shakera didn’t quite feel like she belonged, experiencing imposter syndrome upon first arriving.

But before long, involvement in campus clubs — particularly GU Women of Color (GUWOC) — helped her feel more invested in her new home.

Grounded by her new community, Vaughan flourished on the Hilltop. She joined the Gospel Choir and the Baker Scholars, one of Georgetown’s most prestigious undergraduate programs. She became vice president of GUWOC and helped organize the BRAVE Summit, which celebrates Black women and bring their voices to the forefront of conversations.

Shakera took full advantage of the academic opportunities afforded her, enrolling in courses that helped her explore fascinating new ideas.

For Shakera — who had already received competitive fellowship offers — the Truman Scholarship represented a life-changing opportunity.

Shakera hopes to apply to Master’s programs in public administration for the fall of 2019. Wherever she ends up, she knows she’ll keep her roots in mind.

Shakera is doing all of this for her community back home. Ultimately, it is the city of Richmond that drives her towards her goals.

Degrees: Pursuing a B.A. in Government (COL ’19)


Melissa, standing in front of the doors of Healy Hall, wearing a lilac shirt

Melissa Morgan 

Bio: On campus, Melissa is involved in numerous clubs and activities. She is a member of Delta Phi Epsilon Professional Foreign Service Sorority, the only professional foreign service sorority in the United States. Melissa is an editoral assistant for the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. For two years, Melissa was a Logistics Volunteer for the OWN IT Summit, a series of life-changing summits for young women, created entirely by young women.

During the summer of 2018, Melissa was a Gender Equity Policy Intern in the Office of the First Lady of New York City. Previously, Melissa has interned for Senator Dianne Feinstein on Capital Hill and has interned for the Democratic National Convention as a Press Intern.  

Degrees: Pursuing a B.A. in Government and Women and Gender Studies (COL ’19)

Honorable Mention:

Ingalise Kindstedt

Michael, wearing a suit with a yellow and blue striped tie, standing in Dalhgren Quad

Michael Blank  

Bio: On campus, Michael is a tour guide for Blue and Gray, a member of the Georgetown Scholarship Program (GSP), and serves as an advocate for students within the Student Advocacy Office (SAO). Michael has interned for various government officials, such as Congresswoman Nita Lowey and Mayor de Blasio of New York City.   

Degrees: Pursuing a B.A. in Government and Philosophy (COL ’20)

David Gomez 

Degrees: SFS ’21

Trevor O’Connor  | University of Bristol 

Bio: Trevor completed a four-week program at the University of Bristol which explored the intersection of arts, activism, and social justice. On campus, Trevor is involved Georgetown University College Democrats, Georgetown University College Academic Council, Georgetown University American Civil Liberties Union, and Student Leadership Alliance.

Trevor has interned for the U.S. Department of Justice in the Federal Cooperation and Compliance Section, Civil Rights Divison. His interests revolve around civil rights policy and research and he hopes to go to law school after graduating.  

Degrees: Pursuing a B.A. in Government with minors in African American Studies and Sociology (COL ’20)

David standing in front of white wall, wearing a blue suit

Kangkyu (David) Lee

Bio: Kangkyu (David) was a Program Assistant for the Education program at Sasakawa USA and the Senior Editor of the Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs. Earlier in his career, David worked as a research assistant at the East-West Center where he wrote and published for the Asia Matters for America initiative and the Asia-Pacific Bulletin.

Degrees: M.A. in Asian Studies, Certificate in Diplomatic Studies (SFS ’17)