Guide to UK Fellowships

Getting Started

So you want to study in the United Kingdom? You’ve come to the right place! This guide will help you not only navigate and distinguish between the range of fellowship options but also prepare you to apply. The fellowships covered in this guide are all fully funded, meaning that they cover university fees, the cost of living expenses, roundtrip travel, and often research grants.

Internal nomination is required for the Rhodes, Marshall, and Macmillan-St. Andrew’s Society Scholarships. You can find more information about the internal nomination process at the links on the left side of this page.

If you are interested in applying to any of the fellowships listed in this guide, email to get on the relevant listserv(s) and receive additional information and updates about any relevant internal processes.

As you dive into this process, please refer to the rest of the CRF’s fellowship toolkit for advice on preparing your application.

Note: As of March 13, 2024, the US-Ireland Alliance has paused the George J. Mitchell Scholarship Program. More information on the pause can be found on the US-Ireland Alliance website.