Our Summer Research Fellowships

Georgetown University’s Center for Research & Fellowships administers two types of summer fellowship models to support undergraduate researchers across all Georgetown majors: 

  • One that supports independent research projects
  • One that supports mentored research projects.

Generally, student projects are either independent or mentored. Therefore, students should submit an application for only one of these two models.

Information about the academic year 2024-2025 application cycle will become available during the fall 2024 semester.

The Washington Monument, seen from the Tidal Basin and framed by cherry blossoms.

Independent Research

Undergraduate students who have developed a research project that requires a minimal level of faculty supervision throughout the course of the summer should apply for an independent research fellowship.

Students proposing this type of research must have faculty sponsors who help guide them throughout the course of the project, including providing expert advice about its development and implementation. However, the student-researchers are responsible for developing the project (e.g., question/s, method/s, and timeline) and directing it through its completion.

Note: If the project includes human subjects research, faculty sponsors must agree to serve as the student-researchers’ responsible participant as required by Georgetown University’s Institutional Review Board. If the project involves animal research, faculty sponsors must ensure the student-researchers comply with Georgetown’s policies.

The CRF houses two programs for independent research:

Mentored Research

Undergraduate students who are working on a professor’s research project or a closely related one of their own design and require a significant level of faculty supervision throughout the course of the summer should apply for a mentored research fellowship.

Students proposing this type of research must have faculty mentors who are directly involved in the development of the project and its ongoing implementation.

Note: If the project includes human subjects research, faculty mentors must agree to serve as the student-researchers’ responsible participant as required by Georgetown University’s Institutional Review Board. If the project involves animal research, faculty mentors must ensure the student-researchers comply with Georgetown’s policies.  

The CRF houses one mentored model:

SMURF – Summer Mentored Undergraduate Research Fellowship (Current first-year, sophomore, and junior students in any major can apply for up to $5,000 for a full-time project. Students working on part-time SMURF awards may receive up to $2,500.)

Additional Opportunities

Provost’s Distinguished Undergraduate Research Fellowship (Current sophomore and junior students in any major can apply for up to $6,000. Applicants to Kalorama, Raines, and SMURF, with a GPA of 3.85 or higher, can opt in for consideration to be Provost’s Fellows.)

Eligibility and Rules

Payment Information

More information about payments will be included in accepted students’ award letters.

Contact Information

Please write to undergradresearch@georgetown.edu with questions or to join our listserv.

(Updated August 2024)