BIG EAST Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium

On Saturday, March 15, 2025, Georgetown University will compete at the BIG EAST Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium, taking place at Madison Square Garden in New York City.
Currently enrolled Georgetown undergraduate students with advanced research experience and across all majors are eligible to apply. It is the expectation that applicants are the lead author of and primary contributor to the research poster they are presenting.
The research project should be at a final or near-final state where the applicant will be ready to present it in final form by mid-March if selected.
**Selected students must also be currently enrolled Georgetown undergraduate students in the spring 2025 semester when the competition occurs. December 2024 graduates are not eligible based on Big East rules.**
Up to five currently enrolled undergraduates will be selected to present their research posters. Students will travel together via Amtrak and stay at the conference hotel near Madison Square Garden.
Recorded Information Session
Visit a recording of an information session (January 14, 2025) that covers more about the symposium and applying!
How to Apply
The deadline to apply to participate is February 3, 2025, at 12 PM (NOON, not midnight). By then, please submit to
- A resume (recommended 1 page, but no more than 2)
- A four-minute (maximum) video answering these questions: 1) What was the moment you knew this was the research you wanted to pursue? 2) Why does your research matter? 3) How do you describe your research to individuals inside of your specific discipline and outside of your specific discipline? (Be as creative as you want with the video; your camera can be on or off.)
- A near-ready draft research poster or a document detailing the near-ready content of a proposed research poster. Content should include:
- Title of project
- Clearly identified authors
- Clearly identified faculty mentor/s (if not authors)
- Institution (Name of department where the research was performed)
- Acknowledgement of any funding received to support the research project.
- Defined Sections: Abstract (200 words max), Background, Research Question/s, Methods, Results/Discussion, Limitations, and Conclusion/Recommendations
- Tip: Images versus a lot of text are helpful in poster design!
If Selected
If you are selected for participation, you agree to:
- Have your final abstract (200 word max) and project title ready to submit to BIG EAST by February 14, 2025. This information will be printed in the Abstract Book.
- Work with the center to practice your presentation and finalize your research poster.
- Attend the BIG EAST Conference with the Georgetown team, including travel and hotel, and participate in related activities. The Georgetown team will travel to NYC on Friday, March 14, and return on Sunday, March 16, 2025.
- Share information about yourself in a timely manner that is required for arranging travel and hotel accommodation.
- Confirm with your professor and/or research mentor that the research is ready to be presented in a public forum.
- Save travel and meal receipts (alcohol not included) for reimbursement up to $100.00 for expenses related to participation in the symposium. Receipts must be turned in to the CRF.
Note: The center will arrange for poster printing, hotel, and train travel, including the expenses for these. Some meals will also be covered during the weekend.
Posters and Judging
- Posters will be printed for participants (no cost to participants) by the Center for Research & Fellowships. Final posters will be due to the center by Friday, March 8, 2025, at 12 PM (NOON, not midnight) ET.
- Posters should be 3 foot (vertical) x 4 foot (horizontal) in size.
- Each poster presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes.
- Participants will have a brief Q&A session with each judge.
- Total time per poster = roughly 15-20 minutes.
- Presentations at the conference will be judged on areas including: visual quality and content, introduction, results and discussion, presentation style, and response to questions.
Students are recognized for top prizes and honorable mentions.
News Coverage
Updated December 2024 – subject to change