Important Change to 2024-2025 Application Cycle

Students should not click “Submit” on their application until it has completed the campus review process.

Infographic explaining the change to Fulbright application process, also outlined below

If you previously applied for a grant through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program or read archived materials about applying, you may remember that applicants, who wanted to take part in Georgetown’s campus committee review and mentorship process, SUBMITTED their draft application in the Fulbright portal by the September 1 due date.

Please DO NOT do this going forward. Beginning with the 2024-2025 application cycle (i.e., this current one), the Fulbright program has implemented a new application feature for the campus review process – LOCK and UNLOCK. This is pictured above in the application section, “Ready for Campus Review.”

By Georgetown’s institutional deadline – September 1 at 12 PM (NOON, not midnight) ET – be sure to LOCK (NOT SUBMIT) your draft application to participate in the campus committee review and mentorship process.

The only time you should SUBMIT your application is when it is completely final, post campus committee review process, and by the October 8, 2024 at 5 PM ET national deadline.

This change is incredibly important. Unlike past application cycles, no one can unsubmit a submitted application for you.