Interview Guidance

Where the Interview Fits In

The interview is an important final step in the application process of many competitive fellowships. The interview offers an opportunity to present yourself in person and supplement the profile that you’ve already submitted on paper. While every interview is different— with a wide variety of formats and perhaps an even wider variety of potential questions— there are some steps you can take to ensure that you are as prepared, confident, and relaxed as possible come interview time.

Be bold. Swing for the fences. If you get an interview, you only get one shot to be memorable. Be yourself. Make them feel something. Engage them.

Annee Lyons (COL’18), 2018 Marshall Scholar

How to Prepare

Talk about your application with people who haven’t read it to increase your comfort discussing it and your candidacy. Even these casual conversations will force you to get to the heart of your application.

Sinclair Blue (SFS’20), 2019 Truman Scholar

During the Interview

Lean into your quirks.

Erika Bullock (COL’17), 2019 Knight-Hennessy Scholar

Real Talk:

Most importantly, take a deep breath, relax, and remember to be yourself. No matter how much you prepare, it’s important to keep in mind that you will undoubtedly face the unexpected. You should be ready to be flexible and adapt to whatever direction the interview takes.

Remember that you were selected for an interview for a reason— be confident in your application and your abilities, and know that the selection committee is excited to hear about your background and goals. Ultimately, this is a chance to have a stimulating conversation with people from interesting backgrounds that likely have a plethora of compelling experiences themselves. You’ll have many more interviews throughout your life, and know that more interview practice will do nothing but help you be more prepared in the future!