Schwarzman Scholarship

The Schwarzman College main hall.
Fast Facts
- Aims to prepare the next generation of global leaders by providing insight into how China interacts with the world.
- Fully funds one-year Master’s program in Global Affairs. Scholars complete a core curriculum early in the program and then choose from an array of elective courses.
- In 2019, 145 Scholars from 41 countries and 108 universities were selected. In the future, Schwarzman may enroll closer to 200 Scholars.
Program Elements
- Language Learning: Mandarin language instruction is offered at all levels throughout the year and is mandatory during the fall term. Scholars come into the program at all levels, from novice to advanced.
- Deep Dive: Scholars participate in a one-week, field-based course that offers the opportunity to learn about a different region of China and research a topic related to broader themes of economic, social, or political development.
- Capstone Project: Each Scholar completes either a research paper, case study, or policy analysis to present at the end of the academic year.
- Optional Internships: Some Scholars choose to further engage their interests or learning goals through internships with local businesses, schools, NGOs, etc.
- Leadership Development: Scholars are required to take one course examining leadership from an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspective and will participate in additional leadership workshops throughout the academic year.
- Career Development: Scholars pursuing work or graduate school opportunities after the program have access to career development support via individual coaching, programs and events, site visits, and resource materials and databases.
- Alumni Network: Programming for Schwarzman alums includes academic seminars, networking events, and retreats.
- Candidates must have an undergraduate degree (or complete one by August 1st of their enrollment year), be proficient in English, and be between 18 and 29 years old.
- Ability to serve as a “connector”: Scholars have demonstrated the ability to be and will continue to serve as “connectors.”
- Leadership: Leadership ability is extremely important. As the Director of Global Admissions Rob Garris has emphasized, if a candidate is struggling to determine what to write about for the leadership essay, it’s too early to apply.
- Potential for impact: The program selects Scholars based on their potential to advance in their field (e.g. leaders in government or industry, CEOs or presidents of multinational corporations and institutions).
- Academic ability and developed expertise: Scholars have a record of translating their academic interests into the professional sphere.
- Shifts: Garris anticipates a preferential shift towards young professionals, as those candidates are often able to demonstrate greater impact and more substantive professional and leadership experience.

Deadlines & Stats
- Late May: deadline for holders of passports from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao, regardless of where they attend(ed) university or reside
- Late September: deadline for U.S. citizens and all others
- Note: applicants should make an effort to submit a week earlier in order to prevent technical issues.
- Application statistics: For the class of 2020-2021, Schwarzman received over 4,700 applications. 400 applicants were interviewed, and 145 were selected.
- Required materials: Applicants are required to submit an online application, a resume, transcripts/academic records, two essays, and three letters of recommendation.
- Candidates are invited to interview in either Beijing, New York, London, or Bangkok.