Assembling Your Team

First Things First

A fellowship application requires that you identify the issue(s) on which you intend to work in the future and the impact that you wish to have in that space. That clarity of purpose is crucial in helping the selection committee understand why they should invest in you.

Once you have defined the larger vision, you begin to develop your trajectory (what you’re selling) and your story (how you’re selling it). BUT fleshing out your trajectory and story development aren’t solo operations. It takes a team!

The Team

Keep in mind that you should— and are expected!— to ask for feedback and guidance throughout the process of developing your fellowship application. Well, who should you turn to when?

A Note About Expectations:

Your team is invested in you and committed to helping you succeed. It’s important to understand, though, that your team can only help you to the degree that you allow them to help you. You must remain engaged with your CRF advisor, faculty mentors, recommenders, etc., throughout the process, keeping them updated and informed to ensure that everyone is on the same page.