Undergraduate Publications

Georgetown Journals

Georgetown Scientific Research Journal (GSR Journal)

Georgetown Scientific Research Journal (GSR Journal) is an open source scientific journal for the Georgetown community. GSR Journal aims to publish academic level research within the Georgetown community in order to promote the scientific accomplishments of the student body, foster inclusion within the science community and interest within research-based careers, encourage diversity within the research field, grant more visibility of student authorship, and increase awareness of groundbreaking scientific discoveries within the community.

Outside Journals

Boston University International Relations Review (IRR)

Published bi-annually, the Boston University International Relations Review (IRR) challenges readers to engage with underrepresented international issues; the IRR strives to explore detailed insights of the world’s next generation of leaders and future thinkers while utilizing thoughtful, interdisciplinary lenses. The esteemed journal boasts talented student writers who produce original research, policy recommendations, book reviews, and opinion pieces, representing a plethora of opinions and information. The IRR thrives to make the international community accessible to all. 

Established in 2009, the IRR has become BU’s premier undergraduate journal. Over time, it has maintained strong connections with Boston University and the BU International Affairs Association to become the analytical, policy-oriented academic journal it is today. Its biannual print publications boast 120-200 pages each, all of which since 2011 have been indexed by the US Library of Congress. For more information, check out the IRR website, Instagram, and LinkedIn page for more information.

Brown University Journal of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

The Journal of Philosophy, Politics and Economics (JPPE) looks for pieces that are well written, original, well-argued, well-researched and timely. Possible contributions include, but are not limited to, research papers, literature reviews, critical comments, interviews, theses, PhD summaries and articles written independently or for a class.

Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal (CUSJ)

Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal (CUSJ) is a professional-level, open-access science journal that is committed to publishing manuscripts of the highest scholarship resulting from significant scientific research or outstanding scientific analysis. Each paper published in the CUSJ undergoes a double-blind peer review process and a faculty review by the CUSJ Faculty Advisory Board. 

Northwestern Undergraduate Research Journal (NURJ)

The Northwestern Undergraduate Research Journal (NURJ) is an annual student-produced journal that showcases outstanding research done by Northwestern undergraduates from across all academic fields.A s the only peer- and faculty-reviewed journal of undergraduate research at Northwestern University, NURJ serves to introduce undergraduates to the review and publication processes indicative of the research world.

Rice Catalyst

Catalyst, the Undergraduate Science Research Journal at Rice University, showcases student perspectives on popular science topics and undergraduate research. Catalyst is committed to fostering interdisciplinary interest in scientific writing and dialogue about science at Rice.

Journal of Undergraduate Science and Technology (JUST)

The Journal of Undergraduate Science and Technology (JUST) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is a bi-annual research journal written and administered by undergraduates with the help of faculty, staff, and graduate advisers.

Encompassing all areas of research in science and technology, JUST aims to provide an open-access platform for undergraduates to share their research with the university and the Madison community at large.

Saltman Quarterly (SQ)

Saltman Quarterly Research Journal was established in 2004 and is published annually. The peer-reviewed journal highlights student research manuscripts,  features articles, and abstracts & brevias from undergraduate and BS/MS students completing research projects in the field of biology.

Brain Matters

Brain Matters discusses all things neuroscience, psychology, and biology written by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign undergraduates. Authors come from diverse backgrounds, such as computer science and engineering majors. The journal welcomes all authors no matter their area of study or year. This diversity allows volumes to have a wide range of articles. The journal is mainly written for the college community yet is accessible to anyone as Brain Matters is uploaded as an Open Access Journal format by the University Library.

Intersect: Stanford Journal of Science, Technology, and Society

Intersect is an international Science, Technology, and Society research journal run by undergraduate students at Stanford University. It publishes research and scholarship on the social factors that shapes, underwrites, and/or inhibits research and invention, just as these social forces are, in turn, shaped by evolving science and technology.

 It welcomes undergraduate, graduate, and PhD submissions at the intersection of history, culture, sociology, art, literature, business, law, health, and design with science and technology. The journal’s submissions are not exclusive to Stanford affiliates and generally span several continents. Intersect publishes online quarterly at intersect.stanford.edu and is regularly cited in Google Scholar. 

The Aggie Transcript

The Aggie Transcript is a forum for students to discuss and exchange their perspectives on science and its role in society. It provides a publishing venue for students to display their expertise and to share what they have learned in their classes. The journal represents an inclusive and accessible form of expression for students to submit pieces of original writing, news, and art related to the life sciences.

Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science (DUJS)

The Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science is a member of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), an international group of open access journals as scientific and scholarly journals that meet high quality standards by exercising peer review or editorial quality control. The DUJS accepts undergraduate science articles of all kinds.

Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal (VURJ)

The Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal is sponsored by the Office of the Provost, the Jean and Alexander Heard Library System, and the Office of Innovation through Technology.

The Journal accepts work from all disciplines. The VURJ does not accept submissions from undergraduates outside Vanderbilt.

Undergraduate Journal of Psychology at Berkeley (UJPB)

The Undergraduate Journal of Psychology at Berkeley is an annual publication that allows undergraduate students who have completed scientific studies in psychology and psychology-related fields to publish their findings to the larger academic community, promoting further and more excellent undergraduate research.


Latin for “knowledge,” Scientia is a completely student-run, predominantly rolling-submissions online publication with an annual copy in print. Scientia was started in 2009 by Notre Dame undergraduate students Matt Reagor and Melissa Harintho.

Scienta aims to recognize and encourage high-quality undergraduate research, in addition to contributing to the advancement and cohesiveness of Notre Dame’s scientific community.

Berkeley Scientific Journal (BSJ)

Berkeley Scientific is the undergraduate science journal of the University of California, Berkeley. The focus of the journal is broad, spanning scientific disciplines from ecology to engineering, from astronomy to biochemistry.

Every semester, its undergraduate staff publishes independent research done by undergraduates at UC Berkeley, interviews with faculty members, reviews of recent scientific publications (books), and articles on current issues in science. All research papers are faculty-reviewed, and all interviews are conducted by the staff.

Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal

The Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal is devoted entirely to papers written by undergraduates on topics related to the mathematical sciences. Although the authors need not be undergraduates at the time of submission or publication, the work must have been completed before graduation. In order to maintain a high level of exposition, each paper must be sponsored by a mathematician familiar with the student’s work and each paper will be refereed.

Texas Undergraduate Research Journal (Texas URJ)

The Texas Undergraduate Research Journal is a work of multi-disciplinary research produced and edited by University of Texas at Austin undergraduate students. The Journal is published every spring semester, circulated across campus, and housed in the Library of Congress.

Emory Undergraduate Research Journal

The Emory Undergraduate Research Journal (EURJ) was founded as a small club in 2005 with the aim of providing Emory undergraduates an outlet to publish the research they work so passionately on. Since then, it has grown into a large, student-run organization that strives to highlight a wide variety of research conducted by undergraduates at Emory and other institutions in all disciplines. The journal features three sections for manuscript submissions: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Arts/Humanities. 

National Collegiate Journal of Science

The International Collegiate Journal of Science (NCJS) is a collaborative initiative started by students from the the Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science (DUJS) from Dartmouth College and the Journal of Undergraduate Science and Technology (JUST) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

NCJS was brought into fruition in hopes of forming a national platform for showcasing undergraduate research and presenting students with an opportunity to enhance their science communication skills through full-length editorials, short news articles, data analytics projects, photographic submissions, among others.

UNC Journal of Undergraduate Research (JOURney)

The UNC Journal of Undergraduate Research (JOURney) is dedicated to the publication of outstanding faculty-mentored research conducted by current undergraduate students. The journal publishes research in the disciplines of natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Its goal is to celebrate and support the original research conducted early in students’ academic careers that reflects appropriate scope and complexity for excellent undergraduate work.

Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research (MJUR)

Founded in 2010, the Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research (MJUR) is a peer- and faculty-reviewed journal produced by a team of Monmouth College student editors and faculty mentors. Scholars from a variety of colleges and universities contribute to the manuscript review process. Its mission is to support development of high-quality original undergraduate research, recognize exceptional undergraduate scholarly efforts and accomplishments, and contribute to the undergraduate learning experience. MJUR accepts submissions from all academic fields and from any undergraduate institution, national or international. New volumes of MJUR are published annually in print and online. MJUR is indexed in Ebsco Academic Search Ultimate, and full-text is available through the Ebsco Academic Search Ultimate interface (by subscription) and on the MJUR website (for free).