Laidlaw Scholars Faculty Resources

For a listing of the current available projects, please see the main Laidlaw Scholars Program landing page.

Propose a Project

Georgetown University faculty members interested in mentoring a Laidlaw Scholars research project can submit a proposal here . Faculty proposals will be reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis through December 2, 2024.

Laidlaw Scholars projects must:

  • Run for at least six weeks, full time (35 – 40 hours per week)
    • Projects running from May 22 to June 30 are preferred, but students may conduct their research at any point in the summer. All projects must conclude by August 15, 2025.
  • Be appropriate for a first-year or sophomore undergraduate student
  • Provide ample opportunities for students to expand their knowledge and skills
  • Projects with an international component are encouraged

If you have a student eligible for the Laidlaw Scholars program who you would like to work with the student must submit an application with a self-proposed project. Faculty members should not submit a project with a student already in mind for the role.

2024 – 2025 Laidlaw Scholars Timeline*

  • Student Application Opens: November 2024
  • All Materials Due: Late January/early February 2025
  • Applicant Materials Sent to Faculty for Review: February 5, 2025
  • Faculty Shortlists Due to CRF Staff: February 26, 2025
    • Faculty who submit projects for the Laidlaw Scholars Program will be sent a list of applicants and the applicants’ materials to review and recommend applicants for the final round of selection.
  • Finalist Selections Reviewed: Monday, March 3, 2025 – Wednesday, March 12, 2025
  • Cohort Selection Announced: no later than March 26, 2025
  • Summer 1- Research Summer: June 2024 – July 2024**
    • **For students planning to reside on campus. Students residing off campus or completing their research away from main campus must complete their projects and submit their summer research deliverables no later than August 15, 2025
  • Leadership Development Program: September 2025 – April 2026
  • Summer 2- Leadership-in-Action Project: Mid-May to Mid-August 2026

* Timeline subject to change.

Faculty Expectations/Commitment

Faculty mentors will be expected to closely monitor and guide students through the research process. Expectations include:

  • Answering questions via email from potential applicants
  • Shortlisting applications for faculty’s research project
  • Meeting with scholar at least once per week (either in-person or via Zoom) for no less than 45 minutes to discuss student’s progress and provide assistance and support
  • Advising the scholar on potential second year projects if applicable and where appropriate (see more on the second summer below)
  • Review the student’s summer deliverable at the end of the research period
    • Deliverables are academic research posters which should showcase 6 weeks worth of dedicated research appropriate to the student’s skill level.

Research Connections in Summer 2: Leadership-in-Action

During the second summer in the program, Laidlaw Scholars undertake 6-week long Leadership in Action Projects. Typically these projects are only tangentially related to their research from the first summer. As such, Laidlaw Scholars research projects only run during the first summer. However, one Leadership-in-Action option allows students to apply their research from Summer 1 in a practical setting working with communities in need. You can indicate any opportunities for students to engage in practical application of your research on the proposal form.