Serve as a Fulbright Mentor!

Each year, the Center for Research & Fellowships has the exciting opportunity to work with many graduating seniors, graduate students, and alumni who are applying for the Fulbright U.S. Student Program!

A graphic of a globe against a green background

This program provides transformative opportunities to conduct research, to study (including degree enrollment), or to teach English in more than 160 countries.

Campus Mentors

A critical part of the Fulbright application process involves campus mentors who are Georgetown faculty, staff, and alumni volunteers. Campus mentors fill two main roles:

  • First, mentors review applicants’ draft materials, meet with them (at least once in person or on Zoom), and provide critical feedback to help strengthen the applications. This part of the process generally occurs from mid-August through around mid-September.
  • Second, mentors – following their meeting with applicants – complete the Campus Committee Evaluation Form. These completed forms – either for Research/Study Awards or English Teaching Assistant Awards – are submitted by Georgetown to Fulbright as a part of the application process.
A red pen lays on top of an edited typed document

Sign Up to Mentor

Georgetown faculty, staff, and alumni who wish to sign up to mentor one or more applicants in this year’s award cycle can do so using this brief Google form. By signing up, you will also be subscribed to our Fulbright Friday e-newsletter.



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